C.R.A. operates in the metal-mechanical sector, specialised in work on numerically controlled boring and milling machines and lathes producing cores, permanent moulds, special equipment, general fittings, and welding masks.
C.R.A. has a well-defined production plan: to carry out mechanical precision work.
C.R.A. was founded in 1976 with a well-defined production plan: to carry out mechanical precision work. On the crest of a developing market, the company invested in sophisticated machinery for the manufacture of special equipment and specifi c jobs for foundries and production lines.
Our jobs are carried out by highly specialised personnel using 4000 transverse x 2500 vertical x 1500 long boring machines, which carry a load of up to 12 tonnes and contain a tool crib. The CAD-CAM position provides for a high technology production.
All of C.R.A.’s products are certifi ed in accordance with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 regulations and guarantee maximum quality and practicality.